Positive Behavior Supports in Schools (PBIS)

PBS is a broad range of systemic & individualized strategies for achieving important social & learning outcomes while preventing problem behavior with all students. PBS is a mandated Trenton initiative with QSAC and the Department of Education.

PBS is
A general approach to preventing problem behavior…it's NOT specific practice or curriculum.
For all students…it's NOT limited to any particular group of students.
Based on long history of behavioral practices & effective instructional design & strategies. It's NOT new.
(think to how we work with academic learning problems)

PBS looks like
Small # of positively stated & behaviorally exemplified expectations are taught & encouraged.
Positive adult-to-student interactions exceed negative
Data & team-based action planning & implementation are operating.
Administrators are active participants in all aspects of implementation
Families and communities are actively involved.
80% of students can tell you what is expected of them & give behavioral example because they have been taught, actively supervised, practiced & acknowledged.
Time for instruction is more effective & efficient.
Function-based behavior support is the foundation for addressing problem behavior.
Full continuum of behavior support is available for all students.

8 Practices of School-wide Positive Behavior Supports

1. Administrative Leadership
2. Team Implementation
3. Define Concrete Expectations
4. Teach Behavior Expectations
5. Acknowledge and Reward Positive Behavior
6. Monitor and Correct Behavior
7. Use Data for Decision Making
8. Family and Community Engagement

For more information, contact

Doris Angel McRae- School Counselor- [email protected]
Katie Ronollo-District Behavior Support Coach- [email protected]