Human Resources


108 N. Clinton Avenue, Trenton, NJ 08609
Phone: 609-656-4900; 5471
FAX: 609-393-2439

Welcome to the Human Resources Department

Thank you for your interest in the Trenton Public Schools, Trenton, NJ. The school district is always seeking outstanding applicants for all vacancies. Trenton Public Schools has a district-wide commitment to quality education, a first-rate administration, faculty and staff, and a comprehensive instructional program. The Human Resources Department oversees the recruitment and hiring of more than 2,000 district employees for over 13,000 students. It provides staffing for both professional and support services positions and ensures all employees are compliant with state and federal regulations.

Looking for opportunities at TPS? Click here, to check out the open positions.

Human Resources Support

All benefit and leave inquiries should be submitted to [email protected]

Robert Banks   Lucia Archila Correa 
Recruitment & Retention Mgr. Special Services
Ext. x5699  Ext 5753
Tuition Reimbursements  Bilingual Dept. & Teaching & Learning
H/R Platforms & Databases  Curriculum Dept.
SuperMax  Copeland (Columbus) (K-3) 
Assist with Novice Teacher   Cadwalader (K-3) 
     & Mentoring Programs  Grant (4-6)
Website Updates & Organizing  Gregory (K-3)
Vacancy & Position Control Kilmer (4-6)
Job Posting Administration Dunn Middle School (7-8)
Daylight / Twilight (10-12) 
Sherring Clark Sarah Ali 
Worker's Compensation (M-Z) Absence Management 
Ext. 5730 Ext. x5705 
Building & Grounds  Athletics Department
Business Office School & Student Support
Early Childhood (PK) Robbins (K-3)
Human Resources Robeson (K-3)
Superintendent's Office Stokes (K-3)
Transportation Washington (K-3)
Technology Monument (4-6)
Franklin (K-3) Holland (7-8)
Jefferson (4-6) MLK (7-8)
TNGA (9)
Sharon Scott 
Workers' Comp (A-L)
Ext. x5754 
Warehouse  Legal Department
Harrison (K-3) McKnight (Wilson K-3) 
Rivera (K-3) Hedgepeth Williams (4-6) 
Parker (4-6) TCHS (10-12)


1095 C UPDATE:

In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act signed into law on December 21, 2024, Trenton Board of Education will no longer continue with the practice of mailing Form 1095-C.   While mailing the forms is no longer mandatory, the new law requires that copies of the forms must be provided upon request.  Please note that your documents will remain accessible through your district portal.

Quick Steps to Access Your 1095-C:

  1. Log in to the Employee Portal using the link above (Staff / Employee Portal) using your credentials.
  2. Navigate to "Employee Portal View."
  3. Click on "Download Documents" in the bottom left corner.
  4. Select "1095" from the document type dropdown and download your form by clicking the PDF icon.

Please send your requests or questions to [email protected].





Cherelle C. Tolor, Esq.,
Executive Director of Human Resources, Ext. 5471

Jessica Penkola,
Confidential Secretary, Ext. 5471

Brenda McNeil-Ali,
HR Manager, Ext. 5752

Robert Banks,
Recruitment & Retention Manager, Ext. 5699

Tracey McMillan-Booker,
Benefits Manager, Ext. 5695

Joyce M. Caine,
Supervisor of Coaching and Development, Ext. 5104

Sarah Ali,
HR Generalist, Ext. 5705

Lucia Archila-Correra,
HR Generalist, Ext. 5753

Sherring Clark,
HR Generalist, Ext. 5730